
Project management


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Projects management

In companies where there is a need to manage projects, the online service of Uspacy is an effective and reliable control tool, because it is able to unite the team in collaboration.


The online service of Uspacy helps CEO and project managers monitor the completion of tasks and identify weak points in processes.

Do not waste time on switching between apps. All current activities will be displayed in a convenient list. To discuss the details of the project, you can use chats available on the same platform.

A single space also allows to control the work on tasks, helps to identify moments that slow down the movement and employees who do not comply with deadlines.

Control over projects

The online tools of Uspacy are indispensable in companies where employees work in teams on tasks. A single space helps to establish interaction and maintain communication. It helps project managers monitor compliance with deadlines in assigned tasks and track progress on individual projects, reviewing at what stages they are. The system makes it possible to assign roles in tasks, persons responsible and participants. In this way, all members of the process can see the priority of each task, and the person responsible can monitor the progress.

Allocation of resources

Allocation of resources is an important moment in working on projects. This helps to properly prioritize tasks and use the time to complete them economically, balancing the workload between employees.

Create work groups and add team members working together on a specific project. Assign roles based on experience, expertise, and number of tasks. Track how much time employees spend on a particular task and how they interact with each other. This will help determine overall team performance, more accurately predict deadlines, and assign roles to those who will work on future projects.

Progress tracking

With the help of a single digital space, you can monitor the progress of work on a specific project in real time. You will see the statuses of all tasks and will be able to view comments in which employees record important details. If one of the colleagues is working on one task for a long time, the person responsible can divide this task among other team members. In this way, everyone will be aware of the progress and understand which projects need more time, and project managers will be able to quickly react if delays or unforeseen situations occur. Tracking progress will help analyze the effectiveness of the entire team and each individual employee.

Convenient communication

The Uspacy online space is your company's own corporate social network, which helps to communicate quickly in a team. And this, in turn, is a guarantee of successful work on tasks. Report important information in the newsfeed. Congratulate each other on events. Share your own achievements and be aware of the success of colleagues.

Communicate in chats, exchange information, send files, references or simply discuss urgent issues. In addition to personal chats, the online space provides an opportunity to create group chats for the interaction of the entire team, individual departments and subdepartments. In addition, all these features are available in the mobile app, so you can stay in touch with colleagues anywhere and anytime.