
Web studios


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Web studios

Manage projects, set deadlines and allocate resources in your web studio with Uspacy.


Employees of web studios are often faced with a significant volume of tasks, working on several complex projects at the same time. This makes their work unproductive and almost always worsens the relations with clients.

The digital online space of Uspacy can relieve your employees and take over some of the routine processes. With its help, you will be able to manage client data, control the sales department, process incoming requests, communicate effectively and conduct marketing research.

It is all within one browser window.

Contact base management

If you are the owner of a web studio, especially a popular one, this means that you can definitely boast of a large volume of orders. You have a lot of satisfied clients, but there is one nuance. The more of them there are, the more chances there are to miss an important detail in the order or to lose contact at all. To prevent this, it is time to implement modern tools for managing interaction with clients.

One of these tools is the CRM system. It helps to collect and store your client contacts and detailed information on each of them in a single database, where each contact is a personal card of the client with his/her wishes, order features, project description, deadlines, references and history of interaction with your web studio.

With the help of such a database, employees can quickly find the necessary information and view the progress of current orders thanks to comments in the cards.

Processing of incoming requests

Automate the processing of incoming requests with the help of a convenient CRM system of a single online space. It allows you to receive requests from a form on the website or phone calls, and even to create a separate funnel to complete different orders.

Employees will not miss a call or comment any more. All requests will be automatically recorded in the system and they can be immediately classified and assigned to a responsible manager to process and clarify data. This allows to quickly respond to new requests, easily track their status, within the online space, without the need to switch between applications. It helps to avoid mistakes, saves time and resources, and also provides high client service.

Control of the sales department

Working together in a single online space helps monitor the sales department, identify mistakes in the work of managers and allows you to understand why some of them fail to close deals. This is extremely important, because web development companies have high competition in the market and are constantly competing for the attention of clients.

The system shows the entire interaction between the manager and the client from the very first contact. All requests are immediately recorded in the database and are converted into deals. Managers do not need to spend time entering data manually. You do not need to keep a conversation with each client in your head, because you can simply review the description and comments on his/her personal card and remember all the nuances of the deals.

It also helps new managers in their work - they can prepare for a conversation with clients just by reading the history of their previous orders and follow all stages of interaction with the web studio. You will be able to monitor how much time managers spend communicating with clients and the quality of service they provide. This helps to determine the general level of motivation of each individual manager and the team as a whole.

Effective communication

Effective communication in the team is the key to the successful work of the web studio. The tools of a single online space will help to ensure interaction between different departments of the company and unite specialists for the implementation of joint projects. Here you can assign tasks to each other as well as persons responsible and participants, and monitor the stages of completing. You can also monitor whether the employees comply with the specified deadlines.

It enables to communicate in personal chats and create group ones by adding colleagues who are working with the same order. What's more, you can start a discussion just in the task card by adding comments or pictures of references. If necessary, involve not only internal users, but also external ones, your clients or partners. This will help increase trust in you, because it will allow the clients to see how you work on their orders.

Marketing and analytics

Competent marketing planning and the use of analytics tools are equally important aspects of the successful work of a web studio. Thanks to the integration of CRM with marketing tools, you will be able to collect data about clients, information about their preferences and interests, track previous orders, analyze behavior on the site and interaction with advertisements.

Thanks to the received data, you will be able to offer more relevant and personalized offers using email, social networks and other platforms. Tracking the effectiveness of advertising campaigns helps to identify errors in settings, determine the most successful communication channels and increase the conversion rate of future activities. It allows you to better understand current and attract as many new clients as possible. Competently distribute the advertising budget and achieve better results at work.