

We have focused our experience on creating a modern product that will help to increase the capacity of your company.

For HR specialists

Searching for candidates, closing vacancies, adapting specialists, training, time tracking, individual development plans for employees, calculating vacations and wages — this is far from a complete list of responsibilities of an HR specialist.

Managing human resources is extremely time-consuming work that requires a lot of time and effort. Modern tools of the Uspacy digital platform are able to take over most processes, significantly simplify the work of the HR department, automate daily tasks, and generally add several hours to the day.

For IT specialists

IT specialists write code and use special programs for doing this. But why do they need a CRM system, task manager, time tracker, or kanban? Yes, everything would be much easier if they did not have to interact with clients and colleagues. That's why modern tools that help to organize interaction and manage working time are needed.

Uspacy online service helps to build communication, keep records of finances and collect knowledge base in a convenient format of a single online space.

For sales managers

Sales managers probably love to write down client phone numbers on pieces of paper and in notebooks. Not because of negligence. At some stage of interaction with a prospective buyer, the manager sincerely hopes for his memory and that he will definitely not forget to call back. And then a bunch of various tasks appear, the sheets get lost, and clients too.

That's why a modern sales department cannot exist without a CRM system. After all, it is a database of contacts, the receipt of leads, a funnel that shows the stages of interaction, the setting of tasks, and a system of reminders and communication with colleagues within a shared online space.

For marketers

How to improve the work of the marketing team? Implement a CRM system. Using it, you no longer have to manually segment leads and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by eye. You will be able to collect the history of requests and purchases, analyze client information using analytics tools, and create further successful campaigns based on this data. You will be able to control interaction with clients and leads and skillfully use conversion and communication by synchronizing with social networks.

All these actions will help to increase client loyalty and strengthen their trust.

For HR specialists

Searching for candidates, closing vacancies, adapting specialists, training, time tracking, individual development plans for employees, calculating vacations and wages — this is far from a complete list of responsibilities of an HR specialist.

Managing human resources is extremely time-consuming work that requires a lot of time and effort. Modern tools of the Uspacy digital platform are able to take over most processes, significantly simplify the work of the HR department, automate daily tasks, and generally add several hours to the day.

For sales managers

Sales managers probably love to write down client phone numbers on pieces of paper and in notebooks. Not because of negligence. At some stage of interaction with a prospective buyer, the manager sincerely hopes for his memory and that he will definitely not forget to call back. And then a bunch of various tasks appear, the sheets get lost, and clients too.

That's why a modern sales department cannot exist without a CRM system. After all, it is a database of contacts, the receipt of leads, a funnel that shows the stages of interaction, the setting of tasks, and a system of reminders and communication with colleagues within a shared online space.

For IT specialists

IT specialists write code and use special programs for doing this. But why do they need a CRM system, task manager, time tracker, or kanban? Yes, everything would be much easier if they did not have to interact with clients and colleagues. That's why modern tools that help to organize interaction and manage working time are needed.

Uspacy online service helps to build communication, keep records of finances and collect knowledge base in a convenient format of a single online space.

For marketers

How to improve the work of the marketing team? Implement a CRM system. Using it, you no longer have to manually segment leads and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by eye. You will be able to collect the history of requests and purchases, analyze client information using analytics tools, and create further successful campaigns based on this data. You will be able to control interaction with clients and leads and skillfully use conversion and communication by synchronizing with social networks.

All these actions will help to increase client loyalty and strengthen their trust.